- Aan Alfian Nehrul – 1. Whispers of The Dawn, 2. A Journey Untold, 3. The Flame Within
- Adelin – In The October
- Adimas Jaka Pratama – Victory of The Heart
- Afifah Haryanti – 1. May Allah Free You Soon!, 2. In The Heart of Darkness, 3. Regret, Silently!
- Alifian Rikaz Iskananda – 1. Justice, 2. Sacrifice
- Amaliah Khairina – 1. Falling Quietly, 2. December Serenade
- Amelyasin – 1. Street Children, 2. The Joke of My Country, 3. The Capital of Nusantara
- Ami Simatupang – 1. Disaster, 2. Request
- Amik Amri Rahmadhi – 1. Mysterious White Soldiers, 2. You’re All My Friends, 3. Shiny Face
- Anas Fahrudin – With Every Breath Inhale
- Andi Dwinamurti Christanti – Rain
- Andi Fatimah Ramarh – 1.The Bearer Of Hope, 2. My Beloved Child
- Ani Syahri – 1. Love Across The Miles, 2. My Sonshine
- Anisathyb – An Intangible Cell
- Anung D’Lizta – 1. Deep Feeling, 2.The Wind, 3. Sinner
- Aprilian Ade Putra – 1. I Wait For My Father By The Back Door, But He Never Comes Back, 2. Ticket, 3. Supermoon
- Ari Etsoe – 1.The Moon, 2. Once More, 3.The December Windy
- Ari Yulian – 1. Left Behind, 2. The Path Within
- Arie Dwicahyani – 1. The Whispering Wind, 2. Echoes In The Quiet Night, 3. The Forest’s Heartbeat
- Attin Rofiqoh – God’s Affection
- Aurora Nadia – Little Hands, Big Dreams
- Ayu Maylani – My Million Dreams
- Ayurilda Amalia – It’s Okay, It’ll End Anyway
- Cucu Hazanah – 1. Love, Hate, And Dare, 2. Webs Of Unity
- Cynantia Rachmijati – 1. High Throne, 2. An Ode To My Father, 3. Love,Maybe
- Datik Wuryaningsih – Mubaligh
- Delima Pandiangan – 1. A Promise To The Stars, 2. Simple Joys, 3. Unspoken Words
- Desyanne DF – 1. Rain Hides Her
- Didik Purwanto, S.Pd. – Teacher, 2.Panorama Of Nature Village Rug
- Dwi Lestariningsih, S.S., M.Pd. – 1. The Banana Town, The Man In Attractive Orange T-Shirt
- Een Juwita – Fragile Strength
- Effi Susanti – 1. Madrasah Frame, 2. Glorious Rajab
- Emi Farida – 1. The Story Of A Lost Cat, 2. My Sister, 3. The Train
- Endah Nur Zainah – The New Wings
- Eni Lutfiyah – 1. Shining Hopes In The Sky , Soulful Melodies Beyond The Window , 3. Enchanting Tales From Ancient Pages
- Ermawati – 1. The Yearning Weep 2. Untitled Scribble 3. A Daughter’s Heartfelt Plea
- Esti Purwaningsih – 1. Alone, 2. A Journay Of Trials, 3. Patience
- Etihad Rea Bintang Prakoso – 1. Whispering Dreams, 2. Echoes Of Time
- Evy AP – Dark
- Febe Irawati – Father
- Fina Firyana – 1. Dear Allah, 2. My Future And Forever
- Fitri – 1. Kudos! , 2. Outdo The Old Version Of You, 3. Easy As Abc And 1 2 3
- Fitri Apriyani – The Wedding Entrance
- Fitri Yulis Setiyorini – 1. Deadly Sweet, 2. You Are My Friend, 3. Valuable Numbers
- Fudilah kaNza – Supplication Of The Heart
- Fuji Darunnajat – 1. Mother’s Epitaphe, 2. Sunny Day Dreaming
- Fyeka Noverly Sagita – 1. Men, 2. My Fear, 3. Missing You
- Ghadah Rafa Najiyah – 1. The Soft Whisper Of Wind, 2. The Stillness Of Night, 3. The Path Unfolds
- Gilang B Setiawan – Whispers To The Divine
- Halima Maysaroh – 1. Mama’s Love, My Steady Flame, 2. Keep It Green, Keep It Clean, 3. The Heart Of The Archipelago
- Hamzah Fauzi, S.Pd. – 1. Don’t Hate The Rain, 2. A Hero I Know (Teachers Of A Lifetime)
- Hani Abla – The Queens
- Hany Azzahra – 1. My First Day At 2025, My First Son And His Islamic Boarding School
- Hasanuddin – 1. The Eternal Flame, 2. Waves Of Memory, 3. A Sky Full Of Stories
- Heni Herawati, S.Pd.Ing., Gr., C.MT. – 1. The Last Flight Out, 2. Final Call For Love
- Hepi Anesti – 1. Doubt, 2. But I Lied, 3. Peaceful Way To Parent
- I Ratih – We Only Do Positive
- Idhi Agung Mulyawan – 1. Our Lives, 2. This Smile Is Real, 3. Port Of The Heart
- Ika Amaliyah – 1. The Tale About Being A Woman; 2. Hello, My Daughter; 3. A Conversation About Corruption
- Inung Rahayu – Love: Think, See, Hear, And Feel
- Isma Savitri – 1. It Should’ve Been, 2. Tell Me
- Isyakdiah Matapa – 1. A Message Of Love For Palestine, 2. Palestine, Keep Smiling, 3. Palestine A Test Of Faith
- Kaka Ika – Fly High Little Bird
- Kusrini – 1. The World Is Not Forever
- Lia Muliani – 1. Bright Future Generations For Indonesia, 2. Now I Am Fifty Three
- Lies Ning Ujiyanti, S.Pd. – 1. A Teacher’s Wish For You, 2. The Heart Of A Student
- Luthfia Kinanthi Darawerti – 1. The Last Rain In December, 2. The Keeper Of My Heart, 3. God: The Unconditional Lover
- Madame Nana – Time And You
- Mário de Oliveira Pires – 1. Love And Career, 2. Reaping The Fruit Of Love, 3. The Sings Through Life
- Mariyatul Qibtiyah – 1. I Love Thee Unfathomably, 2. When You Are Trapped, 3.A Depressed Soul
- Marya Fransiska – The Whispering Forest And Sunrise Reverie
- Maulina Adzkiyah – Echoes Of Resilience
- May Mulyaningsih – 1. Flower Tea, 2. Red Cap Boy, 3. White Dress Girl
- Maya Kemi – 1. Miss That Day, 2. If You Feel That Feeling, 3. What Should I Do?
- Mei Irianti – 1. My Little Boy, 2.Morning
- Mely S – What About Me, Mom?
- Melyza Y. Ratman – Behind My Desk
- Miftahul Jannah – 1. A Mother’s Love, 2. Fading Echoes, 3. To My Future Children
- Miss Chay – Across The Waves
- Ngisom Musurur – 1. Hope In Loneliness In The Middle Of Darkness, 2. Miracle, 3. Hope
- Moony Tan – 1. This Is Me ; 2. My Nation’s Personal Pancasila ; 3. Pancasila
- Muhamad Memo – The Art Of Weaving Words
- Muhamad Trio Hamdani – 1. My School, 2. Class, 3. My Teacher
- Muhammad Arief Budiman – A Journey Of Courage
- Muhammad Waafiudin – 1. Imagining, 2. Do You Want To Be A Light?
- Nadhifah Setyanti – 1. Mother’s Smile, 2. The Lost Smile
- Nanik Sri Retnaningsih – 1. The Brute, 2. The Blinded, 3. The Innocent
- Nina Susanti – My Mood Booster
- Nopiranti – 1. Hospitality, 2. Ai Oh Ai
- Novita Hertanti – Hey, How Are You?
- Nur Aziz Asma Sangadah, S.Pd. – God Knows Why I Was Created
- Nurindah Riovita – 1. Beautiful Blessing, 2. Luminous Gift, 3. S.H.M.I.L.U.
- Nursiam Muspiati – My Soul
- Nurul Aulia Alfiyah – 1. In Need Of You, 2. I And The World, 3. Growing Together
- Pandu Priambodo – The Scars Under A New Sky
- Pie Mar – 1. Nature Diorama, 2. Beit Layiha; The Smoldering Fireworks, 3. Despondency
- Qayla Raya – Two Laced Shoes
- Ratih Ayu – Mr. Madam’s Sermon
- Raynhard Kadmaer, S.Pd. – Mother, A Demon I Am
- Retno Wulandari – Nap Time Triumph: Bicycle Blunder?
- Riana Ariyanti – 1. The Story Of A Stray Cat, 2. Transformation
- Rita Nofitri – Shower In The Morning
- Rochana Fatvian – 1. Hopes Float A New Beginning
- Rofiqoh Dwisusanti – 1. Chasing Dreams, 2. The Beauty Of Differences, 3.Behind My Success, A Teacher’s Guiding Hand
- Romawi4@ – 1. Someone In The Cloud Husband, 3. Strong Momy
- Rosi Dwi Putri – Remorse
- Setyowati Ani Sulistyorini – In Front Of Your Tomb
- Sherlita Kharisma Rani – Counting The Days To Forever
- Shinta Ayu Utami – 1. Sincerity In Love 2. He’s The Yellow Umbrella
- Sigit Haryo Kusumo – 1. Radiance In The Shadows, 2. Yearning For The Prophet, 3. Prayer For The Prophet
- Silva Padma – My Universe
- Silvi Restu Suseno – 1. Melody Of The Rain, 2. Missing
- Siti Komariah – 1. Tracking Forest Of Five One’s Team, 2. My Solo Bivoac
- Siti Nurhidayati – Enigmatic
- Sofiana Indriani – 1. This Honest Girl Is My Daughter, 2. Indonesian Heritage, 3. A Piece Of Heart Left Behind
- Sri Daryanti – Twilight
- Sri Hadiyanti, S.Pd. – 1. Strawberry Generation, 2. Digital Debt, 3. Earth’s Lamentation
- Sri Jayati – 1. The Return Meeting, Commitment
- Sri Murni (Niatiikhlas) – 1. Unsung Heroes, 2. When Love Has Tormented
- Sri Rejeki Catur Riyanti – Because Of You
- Sri Supiah Cahyati – 1. First Love’s Whisper, 2. Digital Heartbeats, 3. Parental Wisdom
- Sugito Ali – 1. Never Give Up, 2. My Daughter
- Sugiyati, S.Pd. – The Joy Of Silence, 2. White In Dream
- Supriati, S.E. – 1. Mother, 2. Thanking Myself
- Syifaul Fijriyanti – 1. Iam Not, 2. Separation, 3. Delusion
- Tarso, S.Pd. – My Students
- Theresia Hayuning Wilujeng – 1. To The Woman Who I Adore, 2. The Song I Like To Be Played On, 3. Living With The Clock
- TiFani S Titis – 1. A Question Mark , 2. The Starlight
- Titik Ernawati – My Dearest Son
- Tri Edi Haryono, S.Pd. – 1. Wind Of Love, 2. Street Children, 3. Teacher’s Love
- Umi Nafisah – My Dearest Mother
- Umi Setiawati – 1. Before I Fall To Sleep 2. Prey Of The Eagle
- Umi Waryanti, M.Pd. – 1. Harum Family, 2. Opportunity Is An Enjoyment
- Umiyati Soepomo – 1. My Lovely Daughter, 2. Pasir Berbisik In Bromo Mountain
- Ummul Hasanah – The Universe
- Uswatun Chasanah – Mine
- Uzzy Dharma – 1. Wings Of The Unbound, 2. The River’s Song, 3. A Flame Untamed
- Wahyu Annisha – The Book Of A Tale
- Wahyu Tanoto – 1. The Second Sex Down, 2. Rabia Al-Adawiyah
- Wahyuningsih (Wahyu Cempluk) – Holiday
- Wastiningsih – Mother
- Wiwik Sri Lestari – 1. My Inspiration, 2. Soulmate
- Yuli Purwaningrum – Invisible Touch
- Yuni Prasetyaningrum – Motherly Love
- Yunita Lestari – Flowers Of Longing
- Yusuf Achmad – 1.My Wife’s Coffee; 2. Rocket Sturdily Pierces Sky; 3. Winged Cocoon
- Yuyun Umi Kulsum – 1. Ex-Lover, 2. My Mother